Our Global Anthem

Let love be the idol of our hearts
Let unity be our common song
And peace our festival of the commonwealth
One nation, one world
One global unity
One family of earth we are.

Rejoice, O Africa!
Be happy O Europe!
Be merry you America!
Render songs of joy you land of Asia
Australia be at peace
Burst into laughter you Antarctica
Together we will rule the world in peace.

Although we are divided boundaries, races and cultures
We, terrestrials, are created by One LORD
To His command, we bow
Our guild and guard in the parts of life.

Let the strong nations help the weak nations
Let the grief-stricken and poverty-ridden nations
Be at the mercies of the giant nations
So shall poverty and war be far from us
Together we are forever
Divided we fall completely
Let love be the common idol of our hearts
And fear and war be far from us.

We pray you
O God, the Creator of our worlds
Bless our noble cause
And save our world.


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