Fare thee Well!

Fare thee well! forever!—ever!
‘Twere vain my anguish now to tell;
A truer heart will love thee never,
But fare thee well!

In distant climes, and scenes of danger,
‘Twill soon be mine unknown to dwell;
I go, a homeless, hopeless ranger,
Oh! fare thee well!

Another form may bow before thee,
Another voice thy praises tell:
None, none, like me, can e’er adore thee—
But fare thee well!

I lov’d thee—but my love avail’d not
Against the poison’d tale of hell;
‘Twas heard, believed, and yet bewail’d not!
Oh! fare thee well!

I go to hurl Bellona’s fire,
Where roaring waves like mountains swell;
And should I in the fight expire—
Farewell! farewell!

When to the grave my corse they carry,
Will thy heart echo to my knell?
Or wilt thou not a moment tarry,
And sigh, farewell!


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